Though I may be a few weeks late since the launch of the Skinnygirl Cocktails® "Drink Like A Lady" campaign, I am just now starting to hear a lot more buzz about it, especially as Skinnygirl's first commercial is gaining more exposure. I saw the commercial for the first time about a week ago, and I will admit that I didn't fully understand until I watched it a couple more times. 
All in all, I think this is a good commercial - as far as the target market, it hits the nail on the head. It incorporates the young, urban professional, fun-loving gal  who demonstrates her health consciousness by indulging in a low calorie cocktail. The women in the commercial are having a good time, which must mean that Skinnygirl Cocktails® is a good time (and from my own personal experience, it most certainly is!). This commercial sends all the right messages about the Skinnygirl® brand, but maybe I'm bias because I love anything and everything related to Bethenny Frankel and/or Skinnygirl. Just today, I stumbled upon the Skinnygirl® channel on DirectTV and stared at the TV while it played this same commercial on a loop. 
However, I will admit that I was not at all a fan of the redheaded narrator. Everyone loves a little cheese from time to time, but I thought she was a little too Orbit commercial-esque at least for a television debut. She did get the point across, tying in the classic idea of "lady" with that of a modern lady - wearing sensible shoes, remaining poised, and practicing good posture. 

The more I watch this commercial, the more I like it. Without a doubt, it makes sense. The Skinnygirl brand has so much potential, and this was definitely a good start. The Skinnygirl Cocktails® website also does a great job with the "Drink Like A Lady" Campaign in that it includes a lot of fun and interactive features, including introducing the e-cards shown below and the aforementioned DirectTV channel. 
It's exciting to see such a young brand debuting its first TV spot, and I look forward to seeing the growth of a brand that I am so passionate about (after all, working for Bethenny or with Skinnygirl Cocktails® is my dream job). 

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